Aaron hates taking pictures, so he always tries to ruin them. This was the only "good" picture I have of us that night. He sure is cute when he actually smiles though! I can't believe January is almost over and I am just now writing about New Years Eve. I have a feeling this is going to be a good year for me. I hope so at least.
Aaron had his friend Brady in town over the holidays and his girlfriend Sarah came as well. They stayed with us for a week and to be honest I had no clue what to expect from Brady's girlfriend, so I was a little nervous. There was no need to be and we hit it off right away, she is such a nice girl. Since they were spending the New Years with us, we decided to throw a party at our house. We ended up having 10 or so people over and I think I was in bed by 12:15!
haha I don't know if that means the party was bad, but I am thinking it was a little too good! Anyways, I had so much fun sitting outside with everyone and playing "Kings." Here are a few pictures from that night.

Jess couldn't stay for the party, but I was so excited that she got ready with Sarah and I. We had a fun time at
Kona before the night began and then got ready at my house for New Years Eve. She was hanging out at a party with her new love interest Matt in Tempe. I wished she would have stayed, but know she had a good time at her party also.

The girls (Jess, Me, and Sarah) ready for the night to begin

Sarah and I

The boys (Aaron and Brady)