Friday, November 30, 2012

Catching Up

I told myself that once I had children I would update my blog more, so that everyone knew how they were doing and could see daily updates. However, no one told me that I would be so busy that I would barely have time to eat in a day! I must say things are seeming to get a lot easier these days, although the kiddos always seem to find a way to change a routine as soon as one is started, but I can't complain. Things are going really good and the babes are growing like weeds. Of course since they were preemies all I wanted while they were in the hospital and when they first came home is for them to gain weight. It was the only real measurement I had to tell me that they were heading in the right direction. Now that they are home and getting big so fast, all I want is for them to slow down. It's true that time really does seem to speed up when you have kids. I kept thinking that I would eventually sit down and get a moment to write a few different blog posts on things we have done, etc in the time since the babes came home. But, I am now realizing that this is not going to happen, so instead I'm going to do one blog post that covers the past two months and catches everyone up. Let's see...

Jackson is growing like crazy. He is well over 12 lbs! Catching up already to a typical 4 month old. Yes, that's right, the babes will be 4 months. Crazy, I know! Reagan is growing at her own pace and continues to be our fiesty little girl. She is over 9 lbs now and right before Thanksgiving she got the official "all clear" to come off her oxygen. Wahoo! We had actually taken her off of it a few weeks before that, but it was nice to hear her doctor say that everything sounded good with her lungs. She is still on medicine for reflux, but it is getting better.



We celebrated the baby's first holidays. We had some friends over for a nice quiet Halloween and just enjoyed passing out candy and hanging out with the kiddos. It was a week night and at this point we were still not getting a lot of sleep, so our Halloween night ended pretty early, but we enjoyed it. For Thanksgiving, my dad's side of the family visited. They drove in from California and all the way from Nebraska to see the babes. It was a great time to have everyone together and the babies loved all of the attention they received. They were hardly ever put down!We ventured out on our first official outing as a family to the Phoenix Zoo's annual Zoo Lights. It was fun to walk around and get in the holiday spirit with everyone and the babies did great! It is so special to see all of the love that surrounds these little ones. They are truly blessed.


The newest thing that the babies are doing is something that I will cherish forever. They are finally starting to recognize who we are and smile like they are happy to see us. It is the best thing in the entire world!

I think that about sums up what has been going on in our lives since Jackson and Reagan came home. We have just been adjusting and trying to soak in every moment, because they are going so fast. Now that I have caught up, I will try and update a little more often. Don't hold me to it though! ;)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Homecoming, Part 2

Reagan came home on September 26, exactly one week after her brother. The doctors kept her an extra week to see if they could wean her off of the oxygen, so we had one less thing to deal with when she came home. But as always, little miss had her own plans. Reagan decided that she needed the oxygen a little while longer. A medical supplies company came and brought a big oxygen tank and some travel size tanks for when we needed to take her somewhere. She will also remain on her Pulse Oximeter, so we can continue to monitor her oxygen saturation and see how she is doing. Aaron was able to take the day off of work for Jackson's homecoming, but he wasn't able to get off when she came home. Since his mom was in town, I was able to leave Jackson with her and I headed off to the hospital by myself to bring our little girl home. After she was finally released and her portable oxygen was all set up, the nurse walked us out and we loaded her up and headed on our way.

 I was so nervous, because she was in her carseat in the back all by herself and I couldn't see what or how she was doing. Thankfully we live close to the hospital, but halfway home her alarm started going off. Being in the hospital you get used to certain alarms and what they mean. I knew that her oxygen levels were just dropping slightly and often times this is caused by the baby's movement and it isn't anything to worry about. I watched the monitor for a little bit, but the numbers were not bouncing back as quickly as I wanted, so I decided to pull over and check on her. She was sound asleep and doing okay. I decided to just continue home, so we could get settled in and Grandma would be there to help if I needed something. When I got home and unloaded everything, I realized that her oxygen had been hooked up, but hadn't been turned on this entire time. No wonder her alarm kept going off! But we got her home safely and our new lives with twins officially began.


She is definitely our fiesty child and has been a tad more difficult then her brother to take care of, but we are loving having her home!